Group - General: Quarterly Availability Summary

This Service Level Agreement report shows the state of all Active Monitors within a device group for the selected time period. The Quarterly Availability Summary is a combination of the WhatsUp Gold Active Monitor Outage and Active Monitor Availability reports.

The report is organized in three sections:

Group Information

Monitor Summary

Device Details

Rounded percentages

When calculating percentages of uptime for a monitor, WhatsUp Gold rounds values to the nearest thousandth of one percent. If this rounded value is greater than 99.999 percent, the uptime is displayed as 100% with an asterisk notation to indicate the displayed value is slightly larger than the actual value. The exact amount of downtime can always be seen in the Down time column for the monitor.

Report date

Use the date/time picker at the top of the report to select a date range. The date and time format for the date on this report matches the format specified in Program Options > Regional.

This particular report contains two additional time frames from which to choose:

Quarters are fixed, yearly quarters, as in Jan - March, April - June, July - Sept., Oct. - Dec.


You can change the group you are viewing by clicking the group name in the application bar at the top of the page.

You can change to another group report by selecting one from the More Group Reports list.


You can print a fully formatted report through your browser by clicking the print icon in the browser's toolbar, or selecting File > Print from the browser's menu.


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