Use the New/Edit Configuration Management Task dialog to configure a task to run on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom schedule.
To access this dialog:
Note: If you select to save copies of configurations, be aware that new files are created/saved only when Configuration Management detects a change in the configuration.
Devices Tab
Use the Devices tab to select the device(s) to which you want to apply the task.
Threshold Tab
Use the Threshold tab to configure an Alert Center threshold to notify you on the scheduled task.
Note: If you do not see the appropriate policy, or if the list is empty, browse (...) to the Policy Library to configure a new policy.
Note: To email configuration changes, you must have a notification policy with an email action set, and you must select Detects configuration changes on a device threshold option.
Schedule Tab
Use the Schedule tab to configure the schedule on which you would like the task performed. You can configure the task to run daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or on a custom schedule. You can also specify if this task can be run on demand, outside of the schedule you configure.
Run this task
Select the duration to save backups
Keep up to ___ configuration backups
- or -
Do not limit the number of configuration backups
If you select the first option, specify the appropriate number of backup configuration files that Configuration Management should store for each device to which task is assigned. The default number of backup configuration files saved per device is 5.