Enable Virtual Monitoring Event Listeners (Hyper-V)
Enable Virtual Monitoring Event Listeners (Hyper-V) listeners are available on Hyper-V Host devices. Event Log Collection is turned off by default.
Enabling Hyper-V event listening is necessary for:
Start/stop log event collection
Enable Virtual Monitoring event collection from the Properties panel of each Hyper-V host device.
Start/stop Virtual Monitoring log event collection (Hyper-V)
- Find the Hyper-V device on My Network Map or the collapsible device grid.
- Select it.
Device properties card displays.
- On the device properties card, click Monitor Setup ().
Monitors Setup panel displays.
- Scroll down to the Monitors tab, in the column, click the Hyper-V Host Event Log Monitor link, and enable your preferred log collection category, severity, and detail options.
- In the column, switch on the monitor ().
- After a few moments, open the Hyper-V Event Log ( menu ) to view log messages. Adjust the level of detail and category of message as needed.
Choose event types
Hyper-V event types.
Relates to virtual machine configuration files. For example, a missing or corrupt virtual machine configuration file generates these types of event messages.
Messages related to emulation of the host NIC.
Denotes actions and changes that happen because of Hyper-V clustering. (Applicable to full versions of Windows Server 2012)
Hypervisor specific events. For example, a hypervisor fails to start.
Information related to virtual hard disk operations.
Integration services events.
Messages related to the creation of virtual networks.
Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) messages for Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012 (VHDX).
Messages for virtual Fibre Channel used to connect to virtual SANS.
Virtual network adapter events. For example, event messages for each time a virtual machine with virtual network adapters powers up or fails to power up as the result of a network adapter configuration issue.
Virtual hard disk events that are associated with running virtual machines (storage equivalent of the SynthNic section).
Messages related to the Virtualization Infrastructure Driver (VID).
Messages concerning virtual machine management services event files such as partition management, virtual processor management, and memory management.
Host virtual switch messages.
VM worker process specific events.