Managing SMS Direct Notifications:
From the Notifications Library in the WhatsUp Gold Alert Center Libraries view, you can perform the following SMS Direct Notification operations.
Create a new SMS Direct Notification.
Add a notification type:
The Notifications Library displays.
The Select Notification Type dialog displays.
The New Notification Type dialog displays.
Adjust, tune, and configure an existing SMS Direct Notification.
Alert Center SMS Direct notifications and Network Performance Monitor SMS Direct actions use the same configuration dialog.
For more information about SMS Direct Actions, see Adding and editing an SMS Direct Action.
To configure an SMS Direct notification:
Note: All non-numeric characters such as "-" and ".", are ignored.
Note: There is a 2,000 character limit in this boxes, so you can enter many numbers.
Note: The list displays all ports associated with the GSM modem, including virtual and hard-wired, serial ports. You must select the port that is assigned to the modem in the Windows Device Manager.
Tip: To enter Alert Center percent variables, right-click inside the message boxes.
Note: The size limit for the message is 160 characters (140 bytes).
Tip: To enter Alert Center percent variables, right click inside the message boxes.
Note: If the message exceeds 140 characters, the message is broken into up to 3 parts and is sent as separate messages ("1 of 3", "1 of 2", etc.).
Clone a new SMS Direct Notification based on an existing SMS Direct Notification's configuration.
Clone a notification based on an existing SMS Direct Notification:
The Edit SMS Direct Notification dialog displays.
Remove SMS Direct Notification from library.
Delete an existing SMS Direct Notification:
The SMS Direct Notification configuration is deleted.