Quarterly Availability Summary
The Quarterly Availability Summary displays a suite of reports that present the state of all active monitors within a device group for the selected time period.
- The Group Information chart displays a list of attributes applied to the selected device or group of devices along with their associated values.
- The Monitor Summary chart displays an overview of active monitors by type. Data points reported include the percentage of time each monitor was determined to be up, in maintenance mode or down, the number of instances in which each monitor went down, and the overall availability for the active monitor, by color.
- The Device Details chart displays more detailed information about each active monitor by device. It contains percentage values of time each monitor was determined to be up, in maintenance mode, down, or if the status was unknown, how long each monitor was down, and the number of instances in which each monitor went down.
Please note, this dashboard is completely static. Additional reports cannot be added and the charts described previously cannot be removed. Only the device(s) displayed (
), reporting time frame (