Continuing WhatsUp Gold installation with Failover features

To continue WhatsUp Gold installation with Failover features using a new database:

  1. If prompted, Primary Site or Secondary Site. When selecting Primary Site, also enable the checkbox confirming a Secondary Site instance of WhatsUp Gold is already installed, then click Next. Note that the presentation of this option is dependent upon the license key entered. It will not be displayed if your specific key has failover features enabled or disabled by default.

    Important: When installing WhatsUp Gold in a Failover configuration, you MUST install the Secondary site prior to installing the Primary site.

  2. Select Yes, install a local copy of Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express SP1 named WHATSUP, then click Next.
  3. Select the destination folders for the SQL Server Express installation, then click Next.
  4. Enter and confirm a password for the SQL Server Administrator account to use to access the database instance, then click Next.
  5. Enter names for the WhatsUp, iDrone Service, and NetFlow databases being created, then click Next.
  6. Enter and confirm a password for the new SQL Server Login WhatsUp Gold will use to access the databases, then click Next.
  7. Select the destination folder for the WhatsUp Gold installation, then click Next.
  8. Enter the TCP port number for WhatsUp Gold to use for communication with the IIS website, then click Next. The default and recommended port number is 80.
  9. Enter a password for the new Windows account created for dedicated WhatsUp Gold use, then click Next.
  10. Select any additional language packs you would like to install with WhatsUp Gold, then click Next.
  11. Click Proceed. The WhatsUp Gold install program begins the installation. When the installation program completes, the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog appears.
  12. Click Finish. The setup program closes.

Important: To successfully complete installation of WhatsUp Gold using Failover features, proceed with Finalizing WhatsUp Gold installation using Failover features.

To continue WhatsUp Gold installation with Failover features using an existing database:

  1. If prompted, Primary Site or Secondary Site. When selecting Primary Site, also enable the checkbox confirming a Secondary Site instance of WhatsUp Gold is already installed, then click Next. Note that the presentation of this option is dependent upon the license key entered. It will not be displayed if your specific key has failover features enabled or disabled by default.

    Important: When installing WhatsUp Gold in a Failover configuration, you MUST install the Secondary site prior to installing the Primary site.

  2. Select No, I want to select an existing local or remote installation of Microsoft SQL Server for use with WhatsUp Gold, then click Next.
  3. Enter the SQL Server name or IP address (followed by the database instance if you are connecting to a non-default database instance, e.g., ip address\database name) along with the SQL Server Administrator Login name and password for WhatsUp Gold to use to access the existing instance, then click Next.
  4. Enter names for the WhatsUp, iDrone Service, and NetFlow databases being created, then click Next.
  5. Enter and confirm a password for the new SQL Server Login WhatsUp Gold will use to access the databases, then click Next.
  6. Select the destination folder for the WhatsUp Gold installation, then click Next.
  7. Enter the TCP port number for WhatsUp Gold to use for communication with the IIS website, then click Next. The default and recommended port number is 80.
  8. Enter a password for the new Windows account created for dedicated WhatsUp Gold use, then click Next.
  9. Select any additional language packs you would like to install with WhatsUp Gold, then click Next.
  10. Click Proceed. The WhatsUp Gold install program begins the installation. When the installation program completes, the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog appears.
  11. Click Finish. The setup program closes.

Important: To successfully complete installation of WhatsUp Gold using Failover features, proceed with Finalizing WhatsUp Gold installation using Failover features.

See Also

Continuing procedures for installing WhatsUp Gold with failover features

Finalizing WhatsUp Gold Installation Using Failover Features