First, select any device on the map view to display the corresponding device information card. Click , then select Tools from the device management actions menu. You can also access the menu of device management actions, and more specifically the three connection tools, by right-clicking the device's icon on the map. Use the following tools to connect to the selected device:
Before attempting to connect to a device using the Browse tool, access Device Properties for that device, select the Links tab, and create a Custom Link called Browse that points to the device's name or IP address in URL format. If no Custom Link is defined, the Browse tool will attempt to dynamically create one using the IP address. If the tool is unable to create the link automatically, a blank browser tab will appear.
While the Browse tool can be used without the need for any additional action on the part of the user, any client device that will be accessed by WhatsUp Gold must be configured prior to connecting through SSH, Telnet, or Remote Desktop. Use the following operating system-specific guidelines and examples to enable your client device to be accessed directly from the WhatsUp Gold map or list view.
To utilize Telnet, SSH, or RDP tools in WhatsUp Gold from a Windows client:
for Remote Desktop.telnet_launcher.bat
@echo off
set var=%1
set extract=%var:~9,-1%
start "telnet window" "C:\Path_To_Telnet\telnet.exe" %extract%
name refers to the path needed to find the specified file on your client machine that is accessing WhatsUp Gold.ssh_launcher.bat
@echo off
set var=%1
set extract=%var:~6,-1%
start "putty window" "C:\Path_To_putty\putty.exe" %extract%
is used as the SSH client example; you may utilize a different SSH client.rdp_launcher.bat
@echo off
set var=%1
set extract=%var:~6,-1%
start "rdp window" "C:\Path_To_RDP\mstsc.exe" /v:%extract%
@="URL:telnet Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
@="\"C:\\Path_To_Batch_Files\\telnet_launcher.bat\" %1"
as single backslashes are dropped.ssh.reg
@="URL:ssh Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
@="\"C:\\Path_To_Batch_Files\\ssh_launcher.bat\" %1"
@="URL:rdp Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
@="\"C:\\Path_To_Batch_Files\\rdp_launcher.bat\" %1"
No additional configuration is necessary when connecting to a monitored device running Mac OSX. At the time of this WhatsUp Gold release, SSH and Telnet protocols are configured for use by default and Microsoft offers an application used for Remote Desktop connections for Mac.