Action Log
Action Log displays log records for triggered and scheduled tasks referred to in WhatsUp Gold as actions.
Each log message record contains the following data columns:
- . Date and time for the event message.
- . Specific action type that triggered. This string value corresponds to the name of the action in the Actions Library.
- . Action category (failure, cancel, retry, or blacked out).
- . Device that the action is assigned to.
- . Active Monitor to which the action is assigned.
- . Passive Monitor to which the action is assigned.
- . State that caused the action to fire. The trigger state is determined when the Action is configured on the device.
- . Log message string.
: At the bottom of the Action Log report, the record summary displays the total number of rows matching your filter criteria.
: When option is selected, logging is skipped for all but the first state change. For these cases, a skipped due to priority message will be recorded in the log.
Fetch and filter log data
. Choose specific windows for log data, reduce by date range, or choose for the latest.
Choose time constraints for data view
Date Range
Choose or define an overall date range.
Business hours
- Focus on specific days of the week and periods within each day.
- Reveal trends that are sensitive to business hours, time zones, and other periodic attributes in the observed data.
. Select rows based on specific column values, remove columns, and remove noise and chaff from the table.
Filter tables rows and hide and select columns
Click a column heading and use the following from the drop down list:
Sort column in ascending or descending order.
Pick the columns you want to view. Click a check box to display the column. Clear the check box to hide it.
Group by this field.
Group table into collapsible rows wherever the current column contains identical data ("field") values.
Provide a keyword and use wildcards to view only rows that contain the keyword for the selected column or view.
Most column and log view filters provide the following wildcard matching:
- Match either zero characters or any one character ('?').
Example: (Matches tokens with IP address ending with 2, or 20-29.) - Match either zero, any one, or many characters ('*').
Example: Stop* (Matches log strings containing Stop, Stopped, Stopping, and so on.)
Export report data
Report data can be exported from WhatsUp Gold, reused, and distributed in multiple formats. Select () from the Dashboard Options () menu. After the report has been expanded, select the Export Data icon to access the following options:
- . Generate and download a .htm file presenting your report data as it appears in the WhatsUp Gold user interface.
- . Generate and download a .xml spreadsheet containing your report data.
- .Generate and download a .csv file containing your report data.
- Generate and download a .txt file containing your report data.
- . Set a recurring date and time, format, and email destination for report data export.
: Current report data file format options are only applicable to export schedules created using WhatsUp Gold version 2021 and later. Any report data export schedule created using an earlier version of WhatsUp Gold will still result in a .PDF output until that schedule is removed from, then recreated in the Scheduled Reports Library using the latest version of WhatsUp Gold.