
Wireless log records WhatsUp Gold wireless service events.

Each log message record contains the following data columns:

Fetch and filter log data

Choose Date Range. DateRange Choose date/time range or choose Last Polled for the latest.

Filter and reduce by row and by column. Select rows based on specific column values, remove columns, and remove noise and chaff from the table.

Export report data

Report data can be exported from WhatsUp Gold, reused, and distributed in multiple formats. Select Expand (Full_Screen_Transparent) from the Dashboard Options (DasboardOptions) menu. After the report has been expanded, select the Export Data icon to access the following options:

See Also

Wireless Reporting

Wireless Bandwidth Utilization

Bandwidth Summary

Wireless CPU Utilization

Client Count

Wireless Memory Utilization


Rogue Count

Signal to Noise Ratio

Wireless System Summary

Wireless Clients

Wireless Clients: Specific Client

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