Windows Event Log Threshold

Track Windows Event message volume.

See when devices are left in full debug/verbose logging mode or running periodic tasks wrongly that never finish and more.

Managing Windows Event Log Thresholds:

From the Thresholds Library in the WhatsUp Gold Alert Center Libraries view, you can perform the following Windows Event Log Threshold operations.

Add. Create a new Windows Event Log Threshold.

Edit. Adjust, tune, and configure an existing Windows Event Log Threshold.

Copy. Clone a new Windows Event Log Threshold based on an existing Windows Event Log Threshold's configuration.

Delete. Remove Windows Event Log Threshold from library.

See Also

Thresholds Library

Log Management Filter Frequency Threshold

CPU Threshold

Custom Threshold

Disk Utilization Threshold

Interface Threshold

Interface Errors and Discard Threshold

Memory Threshold

Ping Availability Threshold

Ping Response Time Threshold

SNMP Trap Threshold

Syslog Threshold

Hyper-V Event Threshold

VMware Threshold

Blackout Summary Threshold

Failover Threshold

WhatsUpHealth Threshold

Conversation Partners Threshold

Network Traffic Analysis Custom Threshold

Failed Connections

Interface Traffic Threshold

Top Sender/Receiver

Suspicious Connections Threshold

Access Point Memory Threshold

Access Point CPU Threshold

Banned Client MAC Threshold

Device Over Subscription Threshold

Excessive Rogue Threshold

Rogue Access Point MAC Address Threshold

Rogue Hidden SSID Threshold

Rogue Specific SSID Threshold

Rogue Unknown SSID Threshold

Wireless Access Point RSSI Threshold

Wireless Clients Bandwidth Threshold