New features
The following enhancements have been implemented in the latest version of WhatsUp Gold.
- . For this release, two exciting features have been implemented in the WhatsUp Gold map view. The first greatly improves its usability visually. When the status of a device changes, it's map icon now pulsates as a visual indicator of the change. The second offers greater flexibility in the realm of customization. You now have the ability to upload any image for use as a device icon on the map based on its assigned role directly from the Role Editor interface.
- . Leverage WhatsUp Gold monitoring API to scale, simplify, and customize monitoring.
- Easy programming model. Create a monitor to see its data model, complete with default properties. Tweak property values, or copy and use the model as a template for new or custom monitors.
- Review monitors by device, name, class, type, or status.
- Get device-specific monitoring information.
- Create, assign, update, and remove monitors programmatically.
- . Several WhatsUp Gold reports have been enhanced to better serve your network monitoring needs. For example, you now have the ability to filter the Live Activity report by device or device group. Additionally, there are a few new reports available in this version of WhatsUp Gold which have improved the overall reporting capabilities of the application. First, the IP/MAC Addresses Report replaces the outdated IP/MAC Address Finder and as a diagnostic tool, provides better visibility into how Discovery most recently identified a scanned device and additional information about connectivity and the use of the sighting data to create the Auto Layout on the map view. Next, the Asset Details report displays network assets discovered by WhatsUp Gold for the selected device grouping. The added value is that it reveals specific data points in a single report which were previously more difficult to locate and found in multiple areas of WhatsUp Gold. This report can be viewed as a companion feature to the existing Asset Inventory Report. Another new report applicable to Inventory is the Refresh Summary report which allows you to determine when a licensed device was last scanned and subsequently when applicable data was updated. Lastly, the Address Summary Report allows you to compare the IP address information retrieved from a device to the information configured in WhatsUp Gold. This report is beneficial when determining if an IP address has changed or if a subnet error has occurred.
- . The ability to scale WhatsUp Gold to fit larger network environments has been improved by reducing memory usage by about half when loading devices into memory for the purposes of generating network maps.
- . Two areas of the application now offer greater and more specific insight into polling activity. You can now see which poller is collecting data from any given device by clicking the hyperlinked value under Polled Devices in the Polling Configuration interface and by viewing the Polling tab in the Device Properties interface for any given device.
- . As an additional security measure, WhatsUp Gold now respects the web browser timeout set in IIS.
- . WhatsUp Gold now installs with a dedicated instance of MS SQL 2017 Express by default. Additionally, MS SQL 2019 is supported as a remote database option.
- . WhatsUp Gold Application Monitoring now offers three new profile templates: Microsoft SQL 2019, Microsoft Active Directory 2019, and WhatsUp Gold 2020.
- . More areas of the application now use ExtJS versus ASP, particularly in the areas of active monitor and authentication dialogs.
- . WhatsUp Gold now reflects the Progress Software branding throughout the product.