Migrating WhatsUp Gold database files
Use the following procedures to migrate the WhatsUp Gold database from an instance of Microsoft SQL Server installed on the same computer as WhatsUp Gold to a local or remote instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Migrate WhatsUp Gold databases:
- Launch SQL Management Studio on the destination SQL Server, then log in using an account with sysadmin rights.
- Restore the WhatsUp database by specifying the applicable .bak file generated previously.
- Repeat the restore procedure for the NetFlow and NFArchive .bak files.
- After all database backup files have been migrated, create a limited rights user account with dbo rights used to connect from the WhatsUp Gold application. The name and password of the new limited rights account created should match the limited rights account name used on the previous server initially. The password may be changed following migration and RemoteDBconfig execution in order to appropriate rehash the new limited rights user account password.
Update database connections:
- For 32-bit and 64-bit servers, launch the 32-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator from the Windows Control Panel on the machine where WhatsUp Gold is installed. WhatsUp Gold uses the 32-bit ODBC System DSN Settings.
- Under System DSN, select the WhatsUp DSN, then launch the configuration wizard.
- Verify the SQL Server authentication information displayed is correct and proceed.
- Enable the option for SQL Server to verify the authenticity of the login ID using SQL Server credentials as opposed to Windows authentication and proceed.
- Change the default database to WhatsUp, or alternately your non-standard database name if you are not using WhatsUp, for the WhatsUp Gold database and proceed through the remainder of the configuration wizard.
- Repeat the System DSN configuration procedure for the NetFlow and NFArchive databases. Again, if you are using non-standard database names in place of NetFlow and NFArchive, configure the System DSN to use the applicable database names.
- Click to verify WhatsUp Gold uses the updated username and password for the database.
Finalize database migration:
- Navigate to
\Program Files (x86)\Ipswitch\WhatsUp
on the WhatsUp Gold server. - Right-click
, then click to launch the Database Connection dialog. - Select the new SQL Server instance from the drop-down menu.
- Click the applicable radio button to enable , then enter the SQL Server credentials used to access the database.
- Click .
- Disable the option to if you already have a valid backup, then click to finish running the utility.
- Navigate to
\Program Files (x86)\Ipswitch\WhatsUp
on the WhatsUp Gold server. - Right-click
, then click to launch the Database Connection dialog. - Select the new SQL Server instance from the menu.
- Enable the option, then enter the SQL Server credentials used to access the database.
- Click .
- When the utility has completed running, click .
: If you are using WhatsUp Gold to monitor applications with one or more iDrones (EUM Pollers), in addition to migrating your WhatsUp Gold database, you also need to update the iDroneService database location after migrating the other WhatsUp Gold database files. Please see Migrating the iDrone Service Database for additional information.