Application Monitoring Action Policies

Action policies enable you to determine the actions you would like the system to perform when an instance or component transitions from one state to another. The state transition rules evaluate whether to permit the associated action to fire based on the amount of time the source was in a previous state. The action rules determine which action to fire, how long to wait in the target state before firing the action, and which blackout policy to apply. The blackout policy prohibits an action from firing during defined periods of time when activities such as server maintenance generate large numbers of actions that are not of interest.

To create an action policy:

  1. Select SETTINGS > Application Monitoring > Application Monitoring Actions and Policies, then click Action Policies.
  2. Click WUG17.1-PLUS-ADD_APPLICATION_MONITORING_ACTION to launch the action policy configuration interface.
  3. Configure the action policy as needed, then click Save. For additional information on configuration options, refer to the applicable action-specific topic referenced previously.

You can also click WUG17.1-PLUS-EDIT_APPLICATION_MONITORING_ACTION to edit an existing action or WUG17.1-PLUS-DELETE_APPLICATION_MONITORING_ACTION to delete the selected action from Application Monitoring.

See Also


Monitoring Applications

Application Monitoring Terminology

Application Profile Library

Preparing to Monitor Applications

Discovering Applications

Mapping Applications

Working with Application Profiles

Working with Monitored Applications

Components, Critical Component Groups, and Discrete Applications

About Critical Component Groups

About Action Policies, Actions, and Blackout Policies and WhatsUp Gold Application Monitoring

Application Monitoring Actions

Application Monitoring Blackout Policies

Configuring an Application Monitoring Action Policy

Application Attributes

Application Monitoring Settings