Device Group Access Rights
The Device Group Access Rights dialog allows you to enable/disable permissions for multiple users and/or user groups based on their device group membership with a single click. Here, you can also search for specific users or user groups as well as make changes to the membership of the selected group by adding and removing individual users or user groups without navigating away from the dialog.
To access the Device Group Access Rights interface, select to bring up the User and Group Library, select any user or group displayed, then click to launch the Device Group Access Rights dialog.
Perform the following actions using the controls within the dialog:
- Click the toggle control at the top of the dialog to enable/disable Device Group Access Rights.
: When enabled, users can not access any devices if you have not configured access rights for individual device groups. When disabled, all users are granted access rights to all device groups.
- Click the device group selector to choose a device group for which you'd like to modify access rights.
- Populate the field to locate an individual user account or specific user group.
- Click the Add icon to add an access rights entry for an individual user or specific user group for the device group currently selected.
- Click the Delete icon to remove access rights from an individual user or specific user group for the device group currently selected.
- Click any checkbox within the grid to enable/disable the specific access permission (column) for the user or user group (row).
: If a checkbox appears selected but cannot be disabled by clicking, this indicates the specific access permission was inherited from the user or user group's home device group.
Before working with device group permissions, you must first understand the business rules they intend to enforce. Below is a detailed description of each permission available for selection when configuring Device Group Access Rights.
- . Users granted this permission have the ability to detect the presence of all devices within the group. Because there is some information needed to successfully display a device in the device list, for example, its display name, device state, and device type, the user is able to view basic information about the device.
- . Users granted this permission have the ability to modify the properties of a device group including its name, permissions, and membership. These users can also add new groups (which should automatically detect and copy their parent group’s permissions) and add and remove membership-relationships to devices. Please note, these users cannot delete a device from the system.
- . Users granted this permission have the ability to view more advanced information about a device which is not displayed in the device list, for example, its assigned attributes, properties, and metadata.
- . Users granted this permission have the ability to modify a device’s configuration and to delete a device from the system.