Configuring an Interface Traffic Threshold

Track network interfaces experiencing periods of high or low traffic. See bottlenecked, misconfigured, or hardly used network interfaces.

Configure a Network Traffic Analyzer interface traffic threshold:

Note: Notification policies are optional for most thresholds. If you do not select a notification policy, no notifications are generated for the threshold, but a dashboard report listing the out of threshold items still appears on the Alert Center Home page.

Add Condition Rules

Tip: Avoid setting the threshold check interval to a very short time. Aggressive intervals can degrade system performance. In general, setting the threshold check interval to less than five minutes is not advised.

Select Applied Traffic

Traffic to Monitor. By default, this threshold is set to monitor traffic from all Network Traffic Analyzer sources.

Select the Network Traffic Analyzer source or interface from which to monitor traffic. When you select a source, traffic for all interfaces on the source is monitored. When you select an interface, only traffic for the selected interface is monitored.

Tip: When you select a source, traffic for all interfaces on the source is monitored. When you select an interface, only traffic for the selected interface is monitored.

See Also

Interface Traffic Threshold