Pre-scheduled Transfers ("Automated Transfers")

You can use the command line to schedule transfers that you want to run automatically. To do this, you create a batch file as described above, and then run the batch file using WS_FTP Scheduler. For more information, see Scheduler Utility.

When you use the command line to perform a pre-scheduled transfer, you may use the -quiet parameter to prevent WS_FTP from displaying a message box if an error occurs. This is particularly useful for avoiding a situation in which WS_FTP might otherwise prompt for user input, such as clicking the OK button in an error message. This way, you can pre-schedule transfers to run automatically when you're not at your computer. (When you return to the computer, you can always check the log file to see if there were any problems.)

To use the examples shown previously, you could do a pre-scheduled transfer by creating the following batch file:

as well as the following text file:

Then, you could have the Scheduler run the auto10.bat file at 10:00 PM each night.

Remember that if a file name has a space in it, you must enclose that entire argument in quotes.