Setting Sharing and Security Permissions in Windows Server

To set sharing and security permissions:

  1. Click Properties on the right-click menu of the share folder on the Windows server. The Properties window opens.
  2. On the Sharing tab, click Advanced Sharing. The Advanced Sharing window opens.
  3. Select Share this folder and click Permissions. The Permissions for share window opens.
  4. Click Add. The Select Users, Computers, or Groups window appears.
  5. Click Object Types. The Object Types window opens.
  6. Select Users, Groups, and Computers and click OK.
  7. Set Locations to the root of the domain directory.
  8. Enter the user account to the Windows share in the Enter the object names to select field. You can separate object names with semicolons (;).
  9. Enter the computer name for each node in the Enter the object names to select field. This gives permission to the System account for each node.

    Computer names must be entered in the <DOMAIN>\<COMPUTERNAME> format.

  10. Enter the Administrators group if it's not already added.
  11. Click Check Names to verify the name of each object.
  12. Click OK. The Select Users, Computers, or Groups window closes.
  13. Allow Change and Read permissions for each object and click OK. The Permissions for share window closes.
  14. Click OK. The Advanced Sharing window closes.
  15. Click OK to share the folder. The Properties window closes.

Both Windows 2008 R2 and 2012 automatically set complementary security permissions for accounts that have share permissions. There is no need to independently configure security permissions.