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Ad Hoc Transfer Module Configuration

There are two ways that an end user can send files via Ad Hoc Transfer:

For browser access, Ad Hoc Transfer Module does not require installation on a user's computer. Your WS_FTP Server users can access the files in their accounts using any browser, and the address (URL) that you provide them.

Before you can access the Ad Hoc Transfer Module, whether you use a browser or Outlook, you must make the following changes:

  1. In WS_FTP Server Manager, from your existing set of WS_FTP Server users, add users to the Ad Hoc Transfer Access list.
    1. Log in to the WS_FTP Server Manager, and select Home > Modules. The Modules page opens.
    2. Select Ad Hoc Transfer Access.

      The Ad Hoc Transfer Access page shows all eligible users. These users can be from any of your WS_FTP Server hosts.

    3. Add any users to whom you want to provide Ad Hoc Transfer access.
  2. In WS_FTP Server Manager, select Home > Modules and check Ad Hoc Transfer Settings and Ad Hoc Transfer Package Settings.
  3. For browser users, provide them the address (URL) to log on to Ad Hoc Transfer.

    By default, the address is: http://<local_machine>:80/AHT

    where <local_machine> is the domain name of the computer on which you installed the Web Transfer Client. If you specified a port other than port 80 during install, you need to include the port in the address.

    For example, if the local computer domain name is, then the address your users need to log on to Ad Hoc Transfer is:

    You should test this address before sending it out to users.

    You can also launch the Ad Hoc Transfer Module from the WS_FTP Server program group (Programs > Progress WS_FTP Server > WS_FTP Server Ad Hoc Transfer Login.)

    If you add a user to the default host (specified in Server > Server Settings > System Details), the user will log onto the Add Hoc Transfer Client using their WS_FTP server user name and password. If you add a user to a host that is not the default host, the user must log onto the Ad Hoc Transfer Client using the host name, host separator, and username and password; for example:

  4. For Outlook users, provide them with the installation file or run the silent install on each end user computer. You can download the installation file from Product Downloads section of the Progress Community.

    For installation instructions, see Traditional Install of the Ad Hoc Transfer Plug-in for Outlook on a Single Computer or Silent Install of the Ad Hoc Transfer Plug-in for Outlook.

  5. Make sure that package recipients can connect to the host where the Ad Hoc Transfer Module is installed, so that they can connect to the Download Files page. Recipients must be able to connect, possibly from outside your network, to the URL defined in the following web.config files.

Secure Transfer via HTTPS

For secure transfer, the Ad Hoc Transfer Module is installed with SSL capability, which runs on port 443. The installation creates an SSL certificate which is used when the user connects via HTTPS. You can enable secure transfer by changing the address used to log on to the Ad Hoc Transfer Module to use HTTPS, for example:

If you specified a custom port (other than the default port 443) during install, you need to include the port in the address.

See Also


WS_FTP Server Web Transfer Client Configuration

Ad Hoc Transfer Plug-in for Outlook Configuration

Failover Configuration