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Copying Progress Registry Settings to Both Nodes

After installing WS_FTP Server, you must copy Progress registry entries from the standalone server to both Node 1 and Node 2. IProgress provides a script that backs up the registry on the standalone server, writes the logging directory UNC path to the registry, and exports the registry entries to import to Node 1 and Node 2.

  1. On both nodes, open the WS_FTP Server Manager and stop Progress Services.
  2. On the standalone server, open the Command Prompt in the WS_FTP Server Utilities directory:
  3. To run the registry copy script, type this command and press Enter:

    cscript wssregcopy.vbs "\\<hostname>\<sharename>\<logdirectory>"

    \\<hostname>\<sharename>\<logdirectory> is the UNC path of the log directory.

    Registry copy script run

    Be sure to save WS_FTP_Server_RegBackup_<date>.reg in a safe place. (<date> is the current date in the format YYYYMMDD.) This is the Progress registry backup for the standalone server.

  4. Copy WS_FTP_Server_Failover_Settings_<date>.reg from the standalone server to both Node 1 and Node 2. (<date> is the current date in the format YYYYMMDD.)

    Be sure to save a copy of WS_FTP_Server_Failover_Settings_<date>.reg in a safe place.

  5. On both Node 1 and Node 2, backup the Progress registry entries.
    1. Open the Windows registry and navigate to the Progress registry key:
      • 32-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\
      • 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ipswitch\

        Note: The registry key location has not changed from earlier versions and specifies Ipswitch. For example the 32-bit Progress registry key location is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\.

    2. Right-click the Progress key and select Export.
    3. Save the .reg file. This is the Progress registry backup for Node 2.

      Be sure to save the .reg file in a safe place. This is the Progress registry backup for Node 1 and Node 2.

  6. On Node 1 and Node 2, merge the Progress registry entries that you copied from the Standalone server into their registries:
    1. Right-click the WS_FTP_Server_Failover_Settings_<date>.reg file that you copied from the standalone server and select Merge. A dialogue window opens asking you to confirm the action.
    2. Click Yes to copy the registry entries. A dialogue window opens informing you that the action was successful.
    3. Click OK to close the dialogue.
  7. On both Node 1 and Node 2, open the WS_FTP Server Manager, and restart the Progress Services.

    Be sure that you clearly name and save the registry backups for the standalone server and for each node. If something happens to your failover deployment, you can always roll back the registries on each node to a fresh installation of WS_FTP Server. You can also roll back the registry to your pre-cluster configuration on the standalone server if you want to revert to a non-failover deployment. You will also need them to replace any nodes that fail.

You can now finish configuring the failover clusters.

For Microsoft Cluster Services, see Step 4: Configure Progress Services in Microsoft Cluster Services.

See Also

Migrating WS_FTP Server to a Failover Cluster

Migrating Data from the Standalone Server

Installing WS_FTP on Both Nodes