Backing up WS_FTP Server

Batch scripts are provided to help you back up the configuration data store for your standalone installation of WS_FTP Server. These scripts are written to work with a standard installation. These files are located in:

These scripts are written to work with a standard 32-bit installation. You must edit each batch script file and change the location specified in the %BINPATH% variables for installations with PostgreSQL in a location other than the C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\bin\ folder or for standard 64-bit installations (C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\bin\).

You must also edit the registry paths in backup_registry.bat if WS_FTP Server is installed on a 64-bit operating system.


regedit /e WS_FTP_Server_%YYYYMMDD%%HHMM%.reg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\iFtpSvc
regedit /e IPS_Log_Server_%YYYYMMDD%%HHMM%.reg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\iLogSvc
regedit /e IPS_Notification_Server_%YYYYMMDD%%HHMM%.reg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\inotifysvc


regedit /e WS_FTP_Server_%YYYYMMDD%%HHMM%.reg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ipswitch\iFtpSvc
regedit /e IPS_Log_Server_%YYYYMMDD%%HHMM%.reg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ipswitch\iLogSvc
regedit /e IPS_Notification_Server_%YYYYMMDD%%HHMM%.reg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ipswitch\inotifysvc

If you have deployed WS_FTP Server in a failover cluster, see Backing up WS_FTP Server in a failover cluster.

To backup a standalone WS_FTP Server installation:

  1. Run backup_registry.bat to export the registry keys for WS_FTP Server.

    Note: If your configuration includes a remote Ipswitch Notification Server or Ipswitch Log Server, you must copy backup_registry.bat to the remote servers and execute it there. For Ipswitch Notification Server, you must still back up the ips_notifications database using INS_backup.bat on the server where the PostgreSQL database server is installed.

  2. Run wsftp_backup.bat to export the WS_FTP Server configuration data, located in the ws_ftp_server database, from the PostgreSQL database.
  3. If your configuration includes an Ipswitch Notification Server, run ins_backup.bat to export the Ipswitch Notification Server configuration data, located in the ips_notifications database, from the PostgreSQL database.
  4. Back up the files and folders located in the top folders of each host.

    Warning: The scripts provided will not back up host folders and files. You must manually back up the folders and files located under the host top folder.

Back up utilities

These utilities must be run from the command line interface. To open the command line interface, from the Windows desktop, select Start > Run and enter cmd.exe.

You can also schedule these scripts to run as a Windows scheduled task. For more information, consult the help system for your operating system.


Exports a backup of the WS_FTP Server database (ws_ftp_server) from the PostgreSQL database server to a file named WSFTP_<timestamp>.backup, with <timestamp> replaced by the current date and time.


WSFTP_backup.bat username password

  • username. The admin user for the PostgreSQL database
  • password. The password for the admin user for the PostgreSQL database


Exports a backup of the Ipswitch Notification Server database (ips_notifications) from the PostgreSQL database server to a file named INS_<timestamp>.backup, with <timestamp> replaced by the current date and time.


INS_backup.bat username password

  • username. The admin user for the PostgreSQL database
  • password. The password for the admin user for the PostgreSQL database


Exports the WS_FTP Server, Ipswitch Log Server and Ipswitch Notification Server registry hives to files named IPS_Log_Server_<timestamp>.reg, IPS_Notification_Server_<timestamp>.reg and WS_FTP_Server_<timestamp>.reg. with <timestamp> replaced by the current date and time.

