Using notification variables

The following variables can be specified in a message of a notification or in the parameters of an executable attached to a rule.




The type of rule that triggered the notification.


The name of the directory where the action was attempted.


The name of the file the action was attempted on, including the full file path relevant to root.


The new name of a file that was renamed.


The former name of a file that was renamed.


The username of the user that attempted the action.


The email address, as specified on the Edit User page, of the user that attempted the action.


The status of the attempted action, either Success or Fail.


The  name, without any path information, of the file the action was attempted on.


The date and time the notification was triggered.


Retrieves the values "ASCII" or "Binary," depending on the type of transfer (available for Folder Action and Quota Rules only).


The IP address of the FTP client that performed the action triggering the notification (this variable is not available for Failed Login Rules).


The WS-FTP server host of the user attempting the action.


The file size of the file uploaded or downloaded (available only for Successful Upload, Successful Download, and Failed Download events occurring under Folder Action Rules).