Managing users and user rights

User accounts and user rights serve two purposes in NetFlow Monitor:

To grant a user the right to view NetFlow Monitor reports and data:

Note: To complete this procedure, you must be logged in as a user who has been granted the Manage Users right in WhatsUp Gold.

  1. From the web interface, select GO. The GO menu appears.
  2. If the WhatsUp section is not visible, click WhatsUp. The WhatsUp section of the GO menu appears.
  3. Select Configure > Manage Users. The Manage Users dialog appears.
  4. Select the user to which you want to grant rights to view NetFlow Monitor reports, then click Edit. The Edit User dialog appears.
  5. Under User rights, in the NetFlow section, select Access NetFlow Reports.
  6. Click OK to save changes.

To grant a user the right to configure NetFlow Monitor:

  1. From the web interface, select GO. The GO menu appears.
  2. If the WhatsUp section is not visible, click WhatsUp. The WhatsUp section of the GO menu appears.
  3. Select Configure > Manage Users. The Manage Users dialog appears.
  4. Select the user you want to allow to configure NetFlow Monitor, then click Edit. The Edit User dialog appears.
  5. Under User rights, in the NetFlow section, select Configure NetFlow Monitor.
  6. Click OK to save changes.

For more information on managing user accounts, see Managing Users .