Deleting active monitors

Unless you are absolutely sure you need to remove an active monitor Type from the Active Monitor Library, you should never have to delete an item from this list. If you do, and you find you need it later, you will have to configure it completely again. This includes the default types that were added during initial installation of WhatsUp Gold. We recommend that you only delete the custom monitors that you create.

Caution: When you remove an active monitor type from the library, all active monitors of that type are deleted from the devices you are monitoring, and all related report data is lost.

The best course of action is to remove the monitors at the device level or to disable the monitor by clearing the selection on the Device Properties.

To remove a monitor from a device:

  1. Right-click the device you want to remove the monitor from, then click Properties. The Device Properties dialog opens.
  2. Click Active Monitors. The Active Monitors attached to the selected device displays in the list.
  3. Select the monitor you want to remove.
  4. Click Remove. A warning dialog opens, stating that all data for that monitor will be deleted if the monitor is removed.
  5. Click Yes to remove the monitor.

    Note: If you want to stop monitoring an Active Monitor on a device, but want to keep the historical data, then you must disable the monitor instead of deleting it from a device.

Using the Bulk Field Change feature

To remove an active monitor from multiple devices:

  1. Select the devices in the Device View or Map View, then right-click on one of the selected items. The context menu appears.
  2. Select Bulk Field Change > Active Monitor. The Bulk Field Change: Active Monitor dialog box appears.
  3. In the Operation list, click Remove.
  4. In the Active Monitor type list, select the active monitor that you want to remove.
  5. Click OK to remove the monitor from the selected devices.

Related Topics

Active monitors overview

Assigning active monitors

Stopping and starting polling on a monitor