Local List Administrator

The list administrator can modify list properties, add and delete list users, and edit all related files, such as the Syntax Message, No List Message, Help Message, and the Subscribe Message.

On a moderated list, if the list administrator is also the list owner (a.k.a. List Owner's Email Address), then the list administrator will also be the list moderator.

The list administrator can be a local list administrator, which is set in the Standard List Settings section of the List Administration page in the Administrator's Local Username box. A list administrator can also be a Domain Administrator, who can administer any list-server mailing list on the mail domain (set on the Adding a New IMail User page).

Note: The list administrator and list owner are usually the same person, but a "dummy" user account can be set up to be the list owner in order to hide the identity of the list administrator or to give the impression of more people being involved in the list management.