Signature Tab

How to get here

A "signature" is a tag that is added to the end of all your messages. For example, you might add a signature that says, "Be sure to visit my new web site." Or, you might prefer to enter your name, phone, and address information. Enter the desired text in the Signature text box. If you do not want to include a signature, leave it blank.

Note: If you use the rich text editor to compose messages and you want to include text formatting on your signature, you can format the signature by adding standard HTML tags to the signature.

<h4>John Q. Public</h4>
<h5>Phone 706-123-4567<br>
Fax 706-321-7654

Note: Compare this feature to the Auto Responder feature (which sends an automatic response to each message that's received, regardless of whether or not the sender has already received the automatic response).</h5>