Adding a New Word to the antispam-table.txt File

You can use antispamseeder.exe to enter a new word into the antispam-table.txt file and to assign a word count to the word.

To enter a new word into the antispam-table.txt file and assign a word count to it:

  1. From the command prompt, enter the following command:

    antispamseeder.exe -w<word> -c<word count> [-spam|-good] -h<hostname>

    Note: If neither the spam nor good parameters are entered, antispamseeder.exe will default to

    Enter a word that does not exist. For the word count, enter a value between 1 and 5.

  2. When this is done, the queue manager is notified and the word values contained in the antispam-table.txt file are automatically reloaded to include the word that you entered in the above command.




-c<word count>

Represents the spam or non-spam count of a word. This can also represent the total number of times the word has occurred in all e-mail.

- h<hostname>

Represents the name of the host.


Represents a word/ This is used in conjunction with -c to set the spam or non-spam count of a word within the antispam- table.txt file.


Identifies the word as spam.


Identifies the word as non-spam.

- m<mailbox>

The name of the mailbox or mailbox path.

Related Topics

Antispamseeder Parameters

Understanding the antispam-table.txt File