Resolving Incorrectly Identified E-mail

When IMail Server incorrectly identifies a mail message (false positive), you can use antispamseeder.exe to add statistical information about the e-mail into the antispam-table.txt file to rebalance the spam and non-spam word counts. This will increase the likelihood that similar e-mail messages will be correctly identified in the future.

To change the word tables to recognize messages that are incorrectly identified as spam (or vice versa):

If you have a significant number of messages that are incorrectly identified as spam, you can place the messages in a mailbox and add the entire contents of the mailbox to the antispam-table.txt file at once. The following procedure explains what to do when legitimate messages have been identified as spam:

  1. Place all of the incorrectly identified e-mail (non-spam) in a single mailbox. Make sure that this mailbox contains only non-spam.
  2. Create the non-spam word counts within the file by entering the following command in the command prompt substituting the hostname and mailbox with your host name and mailbox name that contains the incorrectly identified (non-spam) messages:

    antispamseeder.exe –good –h<hostname> –m<mailbox>


  3. The antispam-table.txt in the host's directory is now updated with the new word counts.



    - h<hostname>

    Represents the name of the host.


    Identifies the word as spam.


    Identifies the word as non- spam.

    - m<mailbox>

    The name of the mailbox or mailbox path.

Related Topics

Antispamseeder Parameters

Understanding the Antispam-table.txt File

Modifying the Word Count of Existing Words