Customizing an E-Mail Domain's antispam-table.txt File

To create new word counts specific to the host (e-mail domain), instead of using the antispam-table.txt file for the primary host, you must create the antispam-table.txt file using known spam and non-spam e-mail.

To create new word counts specific to the host (e-mail domain):

  1. Identify the mailboxes you want to use to create the antispam-table.txt file. You need at least two mailboxes, one that contains only spam messages and one that contains only non-spam messages. Make sure that each mailbox contains relatively the same number of e-mails.

    Note: If one mailbox contains substantially more e-mail messages than the other, the word counts will be skewed and content filtering may not function correctly.

  2. Create the spam word counts within the file. Enter the following command in the command prompt substituting the hostname and mailbox with your host name and the name of the mailbox that contains spam messages:

    antispamseeder.exe -spam –h<hostname> –m<mailbox>


    Note: The mailboxes should be placed in the same directory as antispamseeder.exe. If the mailboxes are in a separate directory, you must enter the full mailbox path.

  3. Create the non-spam word counts within the file. Do this by entering the following command in the command prompt substituting the hostname and mailbox with your host name and the name of the mailbox that contains non- spam messages:

    antispamseeder.exe -good –h<hostname> –m<mailbox>


  4. The antispam-table.txt in the host's directory is now updated with the new word counts.



    - h<hostname>

    Represents the name of the host.


    Identifies the word as spam.


    Identifies the word as non-spam.

    - m<mailbox>

    The name of the mailbox or mailbox path.

Related Topics

Antispamseeder Parameters

Understanding the Antispam-table.txt File