Example Text File (Adduser.exe)

Example Text File (Adduser.exe)

#Entries below default to Primary domain automatically.

#Adds user test100 with password nopass, and full name Mr. Test100

test100,nopass,"Mr. test100"

#adds user test101 with password nopass, name of Ms. Test101,

#has ability to #change own password, access from web,

#account is not disabled, user info is accessible from outside.

-u test101 -p nopass -n "Ms. test101" +chgpass +web +active +info

#Add user killthisone

-u killthisone

#Remove user killthisone

-k killthisone

#Change domain (host)

-h virtual001

#Change delimiter from default(,) to a (+).


#Add user test100 with password of password and name of Mr. Test100

test100+password+"Mr. Test100"

#Modify user test100 with new name of Mrs. Test100

-m -u test100 -n "Mrs. Test100"

#Change domain (host)

-h virtual002

#Change delimiter back to default


#Add user test101 with password nopass and name Mrs. Test101

test101,nopass,"Mrs. test101"

#Add user test103 with default password, with default name test103, has #ability to change own password, access from web, account is not disabled, user #information is accessible from outside.

-u test103 +chgpass +web +active +info

#Add user test104 with default password, with default name test103, has #ability to change own password, access from web, account is not disabled, user #information is not accessible from outside.

-u test104 -chgpass +web +active -info

#Modify user test103 so user information is not accessible from outside.

-m test103 -info

Results from running file above:

current host is mail.some.where.com

OK: added test100 to host mail.some.where.com

OK: added test101 to host mail.some.where.com

OK: added killthisone to host mail.some.where.com

OK: User "killthisone" removed from " mail.some.where.com ".

INF: current host is virtual001

OK: added test100 to host virtual001

OK: user test100 modified in virtual001

INF: current host is virtual002

OK: added test101 to host virtual002

OK: added test103 to host virtual002

OK: added test104 to host virtual002

OK: user test103 modified in virtual002