Using Antispamseeder.exe to identify wildcards

When IMail Server scans an e-mail, it breaks the e-mail down into the individual words. Each character in each word is then checked to make sure it is a valid character. By default, IMail Server does not recognize non-alphabetic characters (except hyphens) or numbers. When comparing words to the antispam-table.txt file, non-alphabetic characters and numbers in a word are treated as the "-" character. So if the word "2Sexy" is found in an e-mail, it is treated as "–sexy" when it is compared to the antispam- table.txt file.

If you want IMail Server to identify such words as spam or non-spam, you must enter them into the antispam-table.txt file using antispamseeder.exe.

To identify words with non-alphabetic characters or numbers as spam or non-spam:

  1. From the command prompt, enter the following command:

    antispamseeder.exe –w<word> –c<word count> [- spam|-good] -h<hostname>

  2. The word that you entered in the above command will be identified as either spam or non-spam, depending on which parameter you entered.

Note: The word count must be positive.


Example 1

Example 2




-c<word count>

Represents the spam count or non-spam count of a word. This can also represent the total number of times the word has occurred in all e-mail messages.

- h<hostname>

Represents the name of a host.

- w<word>

Represents a word. This is used in conjunction with -c to set the spam or non- spam count of a word within the antispam-table.txt file.


Identifies the word entered as spam.


Identifies the word entered as non-spam.

Related Topics

Antispamseeder Parameters

Understanding the Antispam-table.txt File