Adding a Subscriber by Forwarding

You can add a subscriber by forwarding a message.

Note: You must be able to forward a message unmodified (i.e. with the headers unchanged) in order for this to work; otherwise you will end up adding or removing yourself from the list.

First, you set up a program alias :

  1. Expand a mail host folder and select the Aliases folder.
  2. Click the Add Alias button.
  3. In the "New Alias " dialog box, enter an alias name. (For example, if the list name is Parrots, you might set up an alias named Parrots_add.
  4. Select the Program alias type.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the Resolves to box, enter the alias properties using the following format:

imailsrv -add domain listname

For example: imailsrv -add Parrots

Then, to subscribe a user by forwarding:

Forward a message from the user to the alias (Parrots_add), and the original sender of the message will be subscribed.