Managing the Client Disk Space Indicator

To turn the disk space indicator off for all users.

  1. Locate the iClient.config file in the webclient root directory.
  2. In that file, locate the sections that look as follows: <add key="UsageBarOnOrOff" value="on" />
  3. Change the word "on" to "off" and save the changes.
  4. The disk space indicator will be hidden from all users.

To turn the disk space indicator off for specific users.

  1. Locate the preferences.config file for the particular user for whom you wish to turn off the indicator. This file will be located in the IMail user's directory, along with his or her mailboxes.
    • New users will not have a preferences.config file until the user saves the preferences.
    • If this is a new user, the preferences.config node will initially appear as <enable_usagebar/>. This will need to be replaced with <enable_usagebar>false</enable_usagebar>
  2. If the preferences.config file is not present,it is possible that it may not be there if the user has not updated their preferences since the latest version of the Web client was installed. If it is not there, simply add the following text. If it is there, then change that node so that it appears as follows: <enable_usagebar>false</enable_usagebar>

    Note: If the above node is not present, it must be added at any ending node: e.g. </node>, but do not add at the beginning or the end, as this will cause XML errors.

  3. Save the changes to the file and the indicator will no longer appear for this particular user.