Restoring IMail Registry

There are two methods of restoring the IMail registry keys. Select one that is fits best.

Restoring using Windows Explorer

  1. Go to Windows Explorer and double click on the exported .reg file
  2. A prompt asking if you are sure that you want to add the information in "path name".reg file to the registry. Click "Yes" if the path name looks correct.
  3. A prompt telling you it was successfully entered into the registry.

Restoring using "regedit"

  1. Make sure a copy of the registry file is on the server.
  2. Click on Start > Run > type "regedit" and click OK.
  3. Click File > Import
  4. Browse to the copy of the registry file on the server.

The current IMail registry keys will be overwritten with the selected file.

Related Topics

Back Up IMail Registry

Backing Up IMail Server System Files

Backing Up User Mail