Accessing Spell Check Dictionary

Modifications to the Spell Check Dictionary are not recommended, except for line deletions. This file is named "en-US.dic" and exists under the "WebDir\WebClient\dic" directory.

Important: Any changes to dictionary files will be lost during an upgrade or re-installation.

If logging in with a different language the associated dictionary file is substituted as follows:

For convenience to the administrator other language dictionary files exist.

These files can be used in place of the default settings by renaming.


If administrator resides in Mexico and would like the dictionary to use "es-MX.dic". Complete the following steps:

  1. Create backup copy of Spanish file. Rename es-ES.dic to es-ES.bak
  2. Create backup copy of Mexico file. Make a backup copy of es-MX.dic to es-MX.bak
  3. Rename es-MX.dic to "es-ES.dic".

This will allow capability to restore back to original setup.