Adding Multiple Conditions for Users

You can create multiple conditions for both inbound and outbound rules. By using multiple conditions, you can often combine multiple rules into one, thus, saving time and creating a more compact rules file. Sometimes a rule with only one condition is adequate to fulfill rule filtering requirements. However, when you need to create more complex rules, you may want to use multiple conditions. For example, see Rule with Multiple Conditions Example.

To add a rule with multiple conditions:

  1. Follow the instructions to create a rule as described in Setting Inbound Rules for Users. After adding the first rule condition, select the new rule condition.
  2. Click Add AND/OR... This will bring a pop-up window allowing either
    • selection of the "AND" button, meaning "ALL" the rule conditions must be met for the message to be trapped.
    • or selection of the "OR" button, meaning "ANY" one of the conditions must be met for the message to be trapped.
  3. Create the second condition as you did the first. Continue adding conditions until you are satisfied with the rule.
  4. Follow the instructions to set the rule actions as described in the Actions section of Setting Inbound Rules for Users. When you are finished creating the rule, click Add to save your changes.