Release Notes for Ipswitch WorkgroupShare v2.3
In this File
Product Description
incorporates the capability to share Outlook data, such as calendars, tasks, contacts, distribution lists, notes, and e-mail for all IMail users. In addition to sharing users' personal folders with other users, WorkgroupShare lets you define public shared folders such as shared contact lists and holiday calendars with other users.
now has the capability to allow all users to synchronize their mobile devices with their Outlook folders to include e-mail, contacts, calendar, tasks and notes. Users can maintain their contacts and calendar appointments from either their computer or mobile device, and remain synchronized. See the for more details on enabling this feature.
(previously only available with IMail Premium) has been integrated into all products to allow all users the greatest benefit for mobile synchronization.
Release Notes
The WorkgroupShare 2.3 server is compatible with all 2.x clients. However, it is strongly recommended that you update your clients to 2.3, at your earliest convenience, in order to get the full benefits of improvements made to the 2.3 server and client.
The WorkgroupShare 2.3 server will not synchronize with WorkgroupShare 1.x clients. If you are upgrading from WorkgroupShare version 1 then the clients must also be upgraded before synchronization will resume.
- When the WorkgroupShare Outlook add-in can not contact the server, the user now has several options for how to proceed. They can retry silently, stop trying until Outlook restarts or prompt for a new server address.
- Clients can now opt to use a server that differs from the server they were using in the past. This may happen if the server is re-installed or moved to a different computer.
- WorkgroupShare server applications now request to be run under the context of an administrator so that they perform correctly on Vista systems.
- On Japanese Windows all folder types can now be shared.
- A problem has been fixed where it was possible for blank appointments to accumulate in a calendar folder.
- Client setup now installs the Outlook add-in in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section of the registry. This means that client setup only needs to be run once by a power user and this will install the add-in for all users.
- A problem has been fixed where WorkgroupShare server stopped responding to clients during synchronization.
- A problem has been fixed where the add-in was removing all appointments from a calendar under certain unusual circumstances.
- Reminders are no longer turned on by default for appointments created by the WorkgroupShare add-in. This means that reminders will not show for other people's appointments.
- WorkgroupShare no longer ships with partially translated resource files.
- The server can now be made to wait a certain period of time before making its initial connection to the database. This is to allow the SQL Server service to fully initialize on computer restart.
- The button bar at the bottom of the administrator now works fully.
- A problem has been fixed where an error was repeatedly being reported in the client event log when the add-in attempted to delete a folder that did not exist on the server.
- The free/busy server now works when using a Microsoft SQL or SQL Express database.
- The Outlook add-in can now be uninstalled even if the WorkgroupShare server is not running.
- A problem has been fixed where users were not always being removed from groups when deleted in the administrator.
- A problem has been fixed when synchronizing large amount of data with SQL Server, the WorkgroupShare server would occasionally stop responding.
- A problem has been fixed where recurrence exceptions were not included in synchronizations when using Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Express.
- All WorkgroupShare application executables and DLLs are now signed, allowing authentication by the operating system.
- An occasional problem with the "Click to open log file folder" button in the add-in settings property sheet has now been fixed.
- When WorkgroupShare server is run as a Windows Service, it runs up and responds to the Service Control Manager before attempting to access the database. This fixes a problem where, if it takes too long to connect to the database, WorkgroupShare is reported not to have started up properly.
- WorkgroupShare now uses the new XP/Vista common save as dialogs.
- The grant access wizard no longer allows a user to grant access to their own data.
- When in trial mode, the WorkgroupShare Administrator now shows the customer's trial ID in the summary page.
- A problem has been fixed where the free/busy server was occasionally causing an ODBC error with appointment recurrence exceptions when using Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Express.
- Secure (SSL) communications now work on non standard ports.
- Setup is now more intelligent about installing MFC 7 DLLs. It does NOT replace existing system DLLs and places the files it requires in folders that are specific to WorkgroupShare.
- The WorkgroupShare data folder now defaults to a folder under the \Documents and Settings folder instead of the \Program Files folder. This is in line with Vista User Access Control (UAC) requirements.
- Client setup no longer attempts to replace core operating system files. This fixes a problem where, on some systems, access to these system files became restricted.
- The installation is part of the IMail installation. Refer to the IMail release notes for more information.
- If you are upgrading from IMail without WorkgroupShare or if you did not install WorkgroupShare when you originally installed your IMail, a backup of the WorkgroupShare.mdb file (located in C:\Program Files\Ipswitch\IMail\WorkgroupShare\Data) should be saved and renamed to WorkgroupShare.old.mdb in C:\Program Files\Ipswitch\IMail\WorkgroupShare\Data.
- To save your existing contacts used in Ipswitch Web Messaging or Microsoft Outlook, after you install WorkgroupShare, import the contact data saved in the C:\Program Files\Ipswitch\IMail\WorkgroupShare\Data\WorkgroupShare.old.mdb file into the WorkgroupShare.mdb file located in C:\Program Files\Ipswitch\IMail\WorkgroupShare\Data.
is included as part of all IMail installations. You must remove IMail to remove WorkgroupShare.
1. Open the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Windows Control Panel.
2. Select the IMail edition you want to uninstall.
Note: Removing IMail Server using the Add/Remove Programs applet does not delete the IMail directory or the subdirectories and files it contains. To remove these, you must delete them manually.
For More Information
You can download User Guides and view other information at the IMail Support Center at
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