Host PropertiesIpswitch.Messaging.Framework

The Host type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDisabled
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets a string containing a friendly name that represents this Host.
Public propertyExists
Gets a value that indicates whether this Host exists in the system's host data store.
Public propertyGateway
Gets or sets the host's gateway
Public propertyHostAliases
Gets or sets a list of strings containing additional names that this Host may be identified by. These aliases can also be used as the domain-part of any email addresses that refer to users of this Host.
Public propertyHostName
Gets or sets a string which acts as an official unique identifier string for this Host. The HostName can also be used as the domain-part of any email addresses that refer to users of this Host.
Public propertyId
Gets or sets a unique identifier for this Host.
Public propertyIpAddress
Gets or sets a network address that is used by this Host. Setting this value to IPAddress.None or IPAddress.IPv6None indicates that this Host is using a virtual address.
Public propertyIsVirtual
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the IP Address assigned to this Host is virtual or not.
Public propertyMessagingSystem
Gets or sets the MessagingSystem instance that owns this Host.
Public propertyOriginalHostName
Gets the HostName that was originally loaded when this Host instance was created.
Public propertyPasswordRecovery
Public propertySettings
Gets an object that provides access to Settings for this Host.
Public propertyTopDirectory
Gets or set the host's top directory file system path
Public propertyUserDataStoreType
Gets a value that indicates what type of storage mechanism is being used to hold user information.
Public propertyUsers
Gets an object that provides access to Users belonging to this Host.
See Also
