IMailAPI_NET NamespaceIpswitch.Messaging.Framework

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:IMailAPI_NET"]


Public classAccessControlManager
Manangers the POP/IMAP access control list. Note this object is designed for use in management applications. It does not contain the functionality of the C++ classes
Public classAccessControlRecord
An access control record
Public classAddressMasquerading
Public classAddressMasqueradingEntry
Public classAddressMasqueradingList
Public classAlias
Public classAliasCollection
Public classAntispamService
Public classAVService
Public classCommTouchConfig
This class can read and write to the commtouch config file.
Public classCommTouchService
Public classCT_FilterClass
Holds the data for a CommTouch AS catagory.
Public classCT_IPSUBNET
Custom class that holds a IPaddress and subnet pair.
Public classCT_SOA
Public classDnsList
The base implementation of the DNS black/white lists
Public classDnsListCategory
The DNS List Category which contains the action to be taken if the return is in a set of IP addresses
Public classDnsListCollection
The collection of DnsList's to be used.
Public classDnsListSettings
The settings for a DNS List
Public classDnsWhitelistSettings
This class is used to retrieve and set the persistent data of both the DNS Whitelist Master list and Domain lists
Public classDomainCollection
Builds a collection of all domains on a server. access the collection of Domain classes through the Arraylist DomainArray
Public classDomainData
This class interfaces with IMail sec to get and set domain Data for all DB types (IMail DB, External DB, NT / AD)
Public classDomainForwardItem
Public classHtmlFeatureFilter
HtmlFeatureFilter is a domain-level setting that determines what HTML filters are matched, how many are matched and and how they are treated when matched.
Public classICalendarService
Public classIIMGeneralSettings
Public classIIMService
Public classIIMUser
Public classIIMUserCollection
Public classIIMUserState
Public classIMailAB
Public classIMailABCollection
Public classIMailABMsg
Summary description for IMailABMsg
Public classIMailAntiSpamBase
Public classIMailAntiSpamBaseEx
Public classIMailAntiSpamCollectionBase
Public classIMailAntiSpamFilterBase
Public classIMailAntiSpamFilterBaseEx
Public classIMailAppException
Public classIMailBMHFilter
Public classIMailCommTouchFilter
Public classIMailConnectionChecks
Public classIMailConnectionFilter
Public classIMailContentFilter
Public classIMailDNSBlackList
Public classIMailDNSBlackListCollection
Public classIMailDomainAB
Summary description for IMailDomainAB
Public classIMailDomainAntiSpam
Public classIMailPhrase
Public classIMailPhraseCollection
Public classIMailPhraseFilter
Public classIMailPremiumFilter
Public classIMailPrimary
Public classIMailServerAntiSpam
Public classIMailSPF
Public classIMailStatExclude
Public classIMailStatExcludeCollection
Public classIMailStatisticalFilter
Public classIMailSys
Public classIMailSystem
Public classIMailTrustedAddr
Public classIMailTrustedAddrCollection
Public classIMailTrustedIPAddr
Public classIMailTrustedIPAddrCollection
Public classIMailUrlDBL
Public classIMailUrlDBLCollection
Public classIMailUrlDBLFilter
Public classIMailVerificationChecks
Public classIMailWhiteList
Summary description for IMailWhiteList
Public classIMAPService
Public classIMAPSettings
Public classIMonitorService
Public classIniFile
Create a New INI file to store or load data
Public classInvalidNewlineCharacterException
Public classIPAccessFile
Public classIPAccessFileIPRecord
Public classIPReputationConfig
Public classIPReputationService
Public classLDAPAttrValueSet
Public classLDAPService
Public classList
Public classListUserInfo
Public classListCollection
Public classListSettings
Public classLogFileCollection
Public classMailbox
Class for accessing Mailbox (.mbx) files.
Public classMailboxCollection
Builds a string array of all the full paths to a mailbox for a given user in a domain
Public classMailboxUidReturn
Public classMaintenanceService
Public classManagedPublicContactList
Public classManagedPublicContactListSettings
Public classMbxMessage
Public classMbxSearch
Public classMbxUtility
Summary description for MbxUtility.
Public classMessageEncodingListItem
This is used with the MessageEncoding enum. Use this class in conjunction with ComboBoxes in WinForms and ASP.NET.
Public classObjectPoolT
ObjectPool manages objects whose instantiation and initialization costs prohibit constant allocation/deallocation. ObjectPool recycles old objects and dynamically increases and decreases the number of allocated objects as demand requires.
Public classPasswordUtility
Public classPoolItemT
Public classPOPService
Public classPOPSettings
Public classQueueFile
Public classQueueMgrService
Public classRuleElement
Public classRules
Builds a rule - breaks into an element array or builds the rule string for saving
Public classRulesCollection
Public classSecurity
Contains methods to determine user security levels
Public classServiceBase
Public classSMTPService
Public classSMTPSettings
Public classSpoolFile
Public classSpoolFileCollection
Public classSpoolMonitorSettings
Public classStandardAntiSpam
Public classSyslogService
Public classUserCollection
Public classUserCollectionUserCollectionEnumerator
Public classUserData
Summary description for UserData.
Public classUserDataResourceUserHasItemsInTheirInbox
Public classUtility
Summary description for Utility.
Public classWGS_Contact
Contact and related information
Public classWGS_ContactsCollection
Public classWGS_ContactSortDisplay
WGS_ContactSortDisplay is the callback class for sorting an array of WGS_Contact by DisplayName
Public classWGS_PhoneNumber
WorkgroupShare PhoneNumber.
Public classWGS_PostalAddress
WorkgroupShare Postal Address.
Public classWGS_Recipient
WorkgroupShare Recipient.
Public classWGSACL
Public classWGSACLCollection
Public classWGSDomain
Public classWGSDomainCollection
Public classWGSDomainSettings
Public classWGSFolder
Public classWGSFolderCollection
Public classWGSGroup
Public classWGSGroupCollection
Public classWGSService
Public classWGSSession
Public classWGSSettings
Public classWGSSharedFolderInfo
Public classWGSUser
Public classWGSUserCollection

Public structureBlackListEntryInfo
Public structureErrorCode
Public structureIMailDNSBlackListBL
Public structureIMAILHOSTINFO
This structure is used internally get retrieve data from IMailSec. Do not try to use This should only be modified if the IMailSEC structure changes
Public structureIMAILUSERDATA
This structure is used internally get retrieve data from IMailSec. Do not try to use This should only be modified if the IMailSEC structure changes
Public structureIMAILUSERENTRY
This structure is used internally get retrieve data from IMailSec. Do not try to use This should only be modified if the IMailSEC structure changes
Public structureMailboxHelper
Internal structure - do not manipulate
Public structureManagedPublicContactListManualRunResult
Public structureMessageHelper
Class for an individual message
Public structureNTUser
Public structureOrphans
Public structureQueueFilemessage
Public structureSearchHelper
Used to search for messages in mailboxes
Public structureUtilityDataSize
Struct to represent the size of some data using any datasize units (such as Bytes, KB, MB, GB).
Public structureWGSACLAccessUnit

Public interfaceIIMailAntiSpamCollection
Public interfaceIIMailAntiSpamFilter

Public delegateManagedPublicContactListWorkerCanceled
Public delegateObjectPoolTOnAcquireDelegate
Public delegateObjectPoolTOnCleanUpDelegate
Public delegateObjectPoolTOnCreateDelegate

Public enumerationAPIMessageType
Public enumerationArchiveMailboxRolloverFrequencies
Public enumerationArchiveMailboxRolloverUnits
Public enumerationBuddyState
Public enumerationCommtouchSpamClassification
The Spam Classification given to an email by the Commtouch scan
Public enumerationCommtouchVirusClassification
The Virus Classification given to an email by the Commtouch scan
Public enumerationConnectionCheckType
The types of connection checks which can be done
Public enumerationCT_FilterClassAction
Action type Enum.
Public enumerationCT_LicenseType
Holder for the CT License Type return values..
Public enumerationCT_LogMethod
Public enumerationCT_UseAuthMode
Helps you keep track of what the UseAuthMode setting means.
Public enumerationDefaultLocalSelectorOptions
Public enumerationDnsWhitelistAction
The enumeration representing individaul DnsWhiteList actions to take on an email, and is meant to be used in masking multiple actions into an integer
Public enumerationDomainDataDBTYPES
Public enumerationDomainTrailerOptions
Specifies which trailer a domain should use when a message is sent from that domain.
Public enumerationHtmlFeatureFilterMatchActionSettings
Used by MatchAction to determine what action to take when the number of matches specified by NumToMatch is reached. The following settings are available:

* None - Take no action on matches.

* Delete - Deletes the scanned email.

* ForwardTo - Forwards the email to the address specified by the ForwardTo property.

* MoveToMailbox - Moves the email to the mailbox specified by the ForwardTo property.

* InsertXHeader - Inserts an X-Header into the email.

Public enumerationHtmlFeatureFilterUseSettings
Used by UseSettings to determine how to apply HTML feature filtering. The following settings are available:

* NoFiltering - HTML feature filtering is disabled for the domain.

* PrimaryDomain - Inherits HTML feature filter settings from the primary domain.

* CurrentDomain - The domain keeps its own HTML feature filter settings.

Public enumerationIIMAuthDBType
Public enumerationIMailABActions
Public enumerationIMailABTypes
Public enumerationIMailSPFSPFAction
By default the values will be assigned integer values of 0 to X where X is the number of items.
Public enumerationIMailSPFSPFResult
By default the values will be assigned integer values of 0 to X where X is the number of items.
Public enumerationListPeriodicityType
Public enumerationListPostByType
Public enumerationLOGTYPE
Public enumerationMessageEncoding
This is used to cast the MessageEncoding values coming out of the IMailAPI_NET so that the values are a little more readable than trying to use the uint values directly.
Public enumerationSMTPServiceRELAYTYPE
Public enumerationUserLimitState
Defines the different states of User Metering when the active user count is compared to the user limit.
Public enumerationUtilityDataSizeDataUnit
Public enumerationWebLiteMsgClickAction
This is used to cast the Message Click Action values coming out of the IMailAPI_NET so that the values are a little more readable than trying to use the uint values directly.
Public enumerationWebMsgComposeStyle
This is used to cast the Compose Style values coming out of the IMailAPI_NET so that the values are a little more readable than trying to use the uint values directly.
Public enumerationWebMsgDeleteAction
This is used to cast the Delete Action values coming out of the IMailAPI_NET so that the values are a little more readable than trying to use the uint values directly.
Public enumerationWebMsgLandingPage
This is used to cast the Landing Page values coming out of the IMailAPI_NET so that the values are a little more readable than trying to use the uint values directly.
Public enumerationWebMsgOpenComposeIn
This is used to cast the Compose In values coming out of the IMailAPI_NET so that the values are a little more readable than trying to use the uint values directly.
Public enumerationWebPrefFlags
This is used when keeping user options in a bitmask (such as for the force settings in system and domain).
Public enumerationWGS_ContactChangedFlags
Public enumerationWGS_PhoneNumberChangedFlags
Public enumerationWGS_PhoneNumberType
Public enumerationWGS_PostalAddressChangedFlags
Public enumerationWGS_PostalAddressType
Public enumerationWGS_RecipientChangedFlags
Public enumerationWGSAccessLevelType
Public enumerationWGSAccessType
Public enumerationWGSFolderOwnerType
Public enumerationWGSFolderType
Public enumerationWGSShareType