SmtpClientSend Method Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework
Send an email to the indicated SMTP server.

Namespace: Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework.Mail
Assembly: Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework (in Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework.dll) Version:

public void Send(
	Email message


Type: Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework.MailEmail
The message to send to the SMTP server.

ArgumentNullExceptionmessage is null.
InvalidOperationExceptionNo sender was specified in either the Email being sent or the Sender property.
- or -
No recipients were specified in either the Email being sent or the Recipients property.
- or -
AuthenticationType was set to something other than AuthenticationType.None and Credentials is null.
[!:ConnectionException]The connection to the remote host could not be established, or the connection was terminated before sending could be completed.
InvalidOperationExceptionNo connection is available.
ObjectDisposedExceptionThis object has been disposed.
SmtpAuthenticationExceptionAuthentication failed OR the specified authentication type was not supported by the appropriate SMTP service extenstion on the server.
SmtpFailedRecipientsExceptionOne or more recipients were rejected by the server. NOTE: If at least one recipient was accepted, then the message will still be sent, otherwise (all recipients were rejected) the message will not be sent.
SmtpExceptionA failure occured during communication with the SMTP server. This is caused by the server rejecting a necessary command or by a failure to negotiate an SSL connection when one of the SSL connection options are selected.
See Also
