Lite Web Client Help

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Saving to Drafts

Warning: Auto-save functionality due to resource intensity has been removed from the Lite Client. User's are recommended to click Save to Drafts if messages are left incomplete.

When you click Save to Drafts, rather than Send while composing a message, the drafted message is saved in the Drafts folder and can be re-opened for further composing, editing, and sending at a later time.

To edit a draft messages:

  1. From your main menu select Mail Folders > Drafts to display all existing saved Draft messages.
  2. Click on the message you wish to edit.
  3. The message appears as a New Message.
  4. Make any changes as if it were a new message and click Send, Cancel, or Save to Drafts. You may continue to revise a message and click Save to Drafts indefinitely until you are satisfied with your message.

Related Topics

Message Headers

Move/Copy to Another Folder

Replying and Forwarding Messages