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Edit a User

Note: If you edit a user's account while that user is signed in, the changes won't take effect until he signs out and signs in again.

  1. Sign in to Ipswitch Analytics as an Administrator or System Administrator.
  2. Open the Users module.

    Embedded OLE File Template, D50, H100

  3. Click on the name of the user you want to edit. The user's details display.

    Embedded OLE File Template, D50, H100

    Note: Administrators cannot make changes to users with the System Administrator role.

  4. Change any of the following items:

    Embedded OLE File Template, D75, H100

    Caution: Assign users to the System Administrator role with caution. Only System Administrators can manage system-wide settings in the Settings module, and can access all areas of Ipswitch Analytics.

    Follow your organization's accepted security practices when assigning roles.

  5. When you are satisfied with your changes, click Save.