Both of the MOVEit Automation custom directory parsing options recognize several datestamp formats. If the date format used by an FTP server does not match one of the following formats, you cannot use column-based parsing. Instead, use a script to massage the date before sending it to MIDirAddEntry.
A file date/time stamp is assumed to consist of a date, followed by one or more spaces, followed by a time. If the time is not recognized, it is treated as midnight (00:00:00).
Date formats:
YYYY-MM-DD - The preferred format.
YY-MM-DD - This uses a Y2K-like "pivot year" of 1970. Values from 0 to 70 are assumed to be 2000 through 2070. Values 71-99 are assumed to be 1971-1999.
MM/DD/YY - Uses the same pivot year.
MM/DD - Assumes that the date is within the last 12 months. If the date is today or prior to the current day of the year, it is assumed to be in this year, else it's assumed to be in the previous year.
Time formats:
hh:mm - Time in 24-hour format.
hh:mm:ss - Time in 24-hour format.
hh:mmAMPM - Time in 12-hour format. AMPM must be AM, am, PM, or pm.