The following script demonstrates custom directory parsing.
' This script parses a directory listing from a Windows FTP server.
' In real life, this script would not be necessary, because
' MOVEit Central is able to natively recognize and parse directory
' listings on Windows FTP servers.
' A Windows FTP server returns a directory list like: ' 05-02-06 04:22PM 734 ModsNotes.txt
' 10-13-05 09:13AM <DIR> Incoming
' 123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789
Option Explicit
Sub Main()
Dim sDirListing, aryLines, MyLine, TestForDir, MyName, j
Dim MyYear, MyMonthDay, MyTime, MyDate, MySize, bIsDir, NFiles, NDirs sDirListing = MIDirGetListing()
' Break apart the listing into an array of lines.
aryLines = Split(sDirListing, vbCrLf)
NFiles = 0
NDirs = 0
For j = LBound(aryLines) To UBound(aryLines)
MyLine = aryLines(j)
' Heuristic to ignore any unreasonably short lines.
If Len(MyLine) > 39 Then
' MOVEit Central doesn't understand mm-dd-yy format,
' so change a date like 10-13-05 to 05-10-13.
MyMonthDay = Mid(MyLine, 1, 5)
MyYear = Mid(MyLine, 7, 2)
MyTime = Mid(MyLine, 11, 7)
MyDate = MyYear & "-" & MyMonthDay & " " & MyTime
MyName = Mid(MyLine, 40)
TestForDir = Mid(MyLine, 25, 5)
If TestForDir = "<DIR>" Then
bIsDir = True
MySize = 0
NDirs = NDirs + 1
bIsDir = False
MySize = Mid(MyLine, 19, 38-19+1)
NFiles = NFiles + 1
End If
MIDirAddEntry MyName, MyDate, MySize, bIsDir, MyName, MyName
End If
If MIGetDebugLevel() >= 50 Then
MILogMsg "Found " & NFiles & " files and " & NDirs & " dirs"
End If
End Sub