Advanced Topics - Custom Directory Parsing

MOVEit Central provides a high degree of flexibility for downloading from unusual FTP and SSH servers.

When downloading from an FTP server, an automated FTP client must request a directory listing and "parse" the results in order to determine the names, date stamps, sizes, and other information about the files on the server. A problem faced by any automated FTP client is that there is no official standard format for this information. Each FTP server vendor chooses its own format for this information. As a result, there are scores of different and incompatible formats. FTP clients must make sense of these many different types of directory listings. SSH clients face a similar situation, although the problem is not as severe.

MOVEit Central provides a great deal of flexibility in dealing with this unfortunate situation by providing several different options:

The options below are configured in the host's Advanced Options dialog, under Custom Parsing.

Column-based Custom Parsing

With column-based directory parsing, directory listings are assumed to contain one file per line, with optional header and trailer information that is ignored. The following parameters are configured for the host:

For the following fictitious 5-line FTP directory listing:

XYZZY FTP Server Directory Listing, prepared at 14:10:55

         267 2006-02-15 15:27:39 trnreport.txt
      537401 2005-11-29 21:12:47 xyz2005.rpt

the settings would be:

      Filename column34
Date column14
Skip Lines Top2
Skip Lines Bottom  1

Directory Parsing Script

With this option, you write a script (or use a vendor-supplied script) to parse a directory listing. Directory parsing scripts are written in VBScript and are configured and edited the same as other MOVEit Central scripts. Two directory-parsing-specific functions are available:

Most other MOVEit Central MIxxx functions are not available in a directory parsing script.

To explain the differences between the three versions of the filename, consider a hypothetical FTP server that allows multiple numbered versions of a file, with the version following the filename in a directory listing. Suppose the directory listing looks like this:

MYFILE.DAT;22     45321  2006-05-06 08:11:56
MYFILE.DAT;21     44090  2006-05-05 17:20:40
README.TXT;3       8192  2005-12-30 21:38:27

In this directory listing, there are two versions of MYFILE.DAT, with version 22 being the more recent.

Ordinarily, the user will not know in advance which numeric version is desired; the user will only know that they want the most recent version, or perhaps the next-to-most-recent version, etc. Therefore, it would be unreasonable to configure a MOVEit Central source with a filemask that refers to a specific version number.

For the purposes of this FTP server, we can invent a filemask syntax in which the most recent version is referred to as MYFILE.DAT(0), the next most recent version as MYFILE.DAT(-1), etc. However, when transferring the file to the destination, we don't care about the version number at all, because most destination servers will not recognize file versions. We want to name the file simply MYFILE.DAT.

Thus, there are three versions of the name

So, a script parsing this directory listing would do the equivalent of:

FilenameToMatch = "MYFILE.DAT(0)"
MyDate = "2006-05-06 08:11:56"
MySize = 45321
bIsDir = False
FilenameForGet = "MYFILE.DAT;22"
FilenameOriginal = "MYFILE.DAT"
MIDirAddEntry FilenameToMatch, MyDate, MySize, bIsDir, FilenameForGet, FilenameOriginal

Date and Time Formats

Both of MOVEit Central's custom directory parsing options recognize several datestamp formats. If the date format used by an FTP server does not match one of the following, you will not be able to use column-based parsing. Instead, you will have to use a script to massage the date before sending it to MIDirAddEntry.

A file date/time stamp is assumed to consist of a date, followed by one or more spaces, followed by a time. If the time is not recognized, it will be treated as midnight (00:00:00).

The date formats are:

The time formats are:

Sample Script

The following script demonstrates custom directory parsing.

' This script parses a directory listing from a Windows FTP server. ' In real life, this script would not be necessary, because ' MOVEit Central is able to natively recognize and parse directory ' listings on Windows FTP servers. ' ' A Windows FTP server returns a directory list like: ' 05-02-06 04:22PM 734 ModsNotes.txt ' 10-13-05 09:13AM <DIR> Incoming ' 123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789 Option Explicit Sub Main() Dim sDirListing, aryLines, MyLine, TestForDir, MyName, j Dim MyYear, MyMonthDay, MyTime, MyDate, MySize, bIsDir, NFiles, NDirs sDirListing = MIDirGetListing() ' Break apart the listing into an array of lines. aryLines = Split(sDirListing, vbCrLf) NFiles = 0 NDirs = 0 For j = LBound(aryLines) To UBound(aryLines) MyLine = aryLines(j) ' Heuristic to ignore any unreasonably short lines. If Len(MyLine) > 39 Then ' MOVEit Central doesn't understand mm-dd-yy format, ' so change a date like 10-13-05 to 05-10-13. MyMonthDay = Mid(MyLine, 1, 5) MyYear = Mid(MyLine, 7, 2) MyTime = Mid(MyLine, 11, 7) MyDate = MyYear & "-" & MyMonthDay & " " & MyTime MyName = Mid(MyLine, 40) TestForDir = Mid(MyLine, 25, 5) If TestForDir = "<DIR>" Then bIsDir = True MySize = 0 NDirs = NDirs + 1 Else bIsDir = False MySize = Mid(MyLine, 19, 38-19+1) NFiles = NFiles + 1 End If MIDirAddEntry MyName, MyDate, MySize, bIsDir, MyName, MyName End If Next If MIGetDebugLevel() >= 50 Then MILogMsg "Found " & NFiles & " files and " & NDirs & " dirs" End If End Sub Main