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MOVEit DMZ's Role in AS2 File Transfers

MOVEit DMZ can accept and store AS2 messages and asynchronous AS2 MDNs that will be processed later (and often immediately) by MOVEit Central. MOVEit DMZ, rather than MOVEit Central, is used in the role of an "AS2 server" because MOVEit DMZ already serves the function of a secure, Internet-exposed HTTP(S) server and MOVEit Central already has an interface to MOVEit DMZ.

No additional license is required to accept and store AS2 messages and asynchronous AS2 MDNs on MOVEit DMZ because this feature is only useful when a separate AS1, AS2 and AS3 license has been purchased for MOVEit Central.

AS2 messages and asynchronous AS2 MDNs are uploaded and downloaded through HTTP(S) but are not part of the "normal" MOVEit DMZ file system. More specifically, all AS2 messages and AS2 MDNs will be found in special "/AS/[partner-name]" folders, created as needed (where "[partner-name]" is your partner's official trading name.) For example, if your partner "John Smith" sends you an AS2 message, it will be found in the "/AS2/John Smith" folder. Nonetheless, MOVEit DMZ administrators can view and delete AS2 message files through their usual web interface.