MOVEit DMZ receives AS2 messages and asynchronous AS2 MDNs though its built-in "as2receiver.aspx" component. When your AS2 trading partners ask for the URL they should use to post AS2 messages for you, you will need to give them a URL containing "as2receiver.aspx" and the name of your host. An example of such a URL is "".
The same URL value is also used when requesting AS2 asynchronous MDNs as an AS2 destination step in MOVEit Central, but MOVEit Central lets you specify a macro of "[AS2ReceiverURL]" (in the "MDN URL" field) and figures out the exact URL at run time (because each AS2 Host can be linked to a specific MOVEit DMZ Host).
AS2 messages are normally stored as files bearing a name of "AS2Data". If you want different MOVEit Central tasks to process different AS2 messages from the same partner, you may want to "tag" each type of AS2 message transmission separately so MOVEit Central tasks can rapidly distinguish between them. The way to tag different types of AS2 transmissions is to include a "?Tag=[some-as2-filename]" argument on the URLs you hand out to your partners. For example, a modified URL of "" would force MOVEit DMZ to save AS2 messages from partners using that URL as files named "Blue" rather than "AS2Data".
Asynchronous AS2 MDNs are stored as files bearing a name of "MDN=[AS2-ID]" where "[AS2-ID]" is the ID of the original AS2 message. An example of an AS2 MDN filename is "MDN=373c55dc-f4b6-4c1b-81a1-e39f3a1c22d7@9b751ee7-d32e-4138-8124-1c107f2cd5d2". Like AS2 messages, AS2 MDNs will be stored in folders named after the partners who sent them; MOVEit Central automatically knows where to look (because it uses the values configured for "partner name" in its AS2 Host definitions).
If your MOVEit DMZ hosts multiple Organizations and you want each to use its own store of AS2 messages and MDNs, you will also need to include an "OrgID=[OrgID]" tag (such as "OrgID=8011") in the URLs you give to your partners and configure in your requests for asynchronous HTTP MDNs. For example, you would need to give partners URLs such as "" or "" and would need to configure a URL of "[AS2ReceiverURL]?OrgID=8011" in your asynchronous HTTP MDN field if you wanted related AS2 messages and MDNs to go to a particular organization in a multiorganization configuration.
Both AS2 messages and asynchronous AS2 MDNs are deleted from MOVEit DMZ as soon as MOVEit Central successfully decrypts and/or validates them, determines that they are unfit or gives up after (re)trying to deliver any requested MDNs. AS2 messages that have requested synchronous MDNs will also be automatically deleted from MOVEit DMZ folders if MOVEit DMZ cannot deliver their respective MDNs. Additional automated clean up rules can also be applied to AS2 folders and files using the usual "folder settings" web interface in MOVEit DMZ.