Each task is in one of the following states, which indicates whether and how the task can be run.
Enabled tasks:
- Have either a minimum of one source and one destination, or one process.
- Have a schedule.
- Are run by the MOVEit Automation scheduler or started by file notification events.
- Can be started by Run Now commands, or by Next Actions or scripts that start tasks.
A task must be explicitly enabled after it has all the required components.
Disabled tasks
- Have either a minimum one source and one destination, or a minimum of one process.
- Have a schedule.
- Have been marked Disabled by an administrator or a task clone operation.
- Can be started by Run Now commands, or by Next Actions or scripts that start tasks.
- Cannot be run by the scheduler or by file notification events.
Unscheduled tasks:
- Have either a minimum one source and one destination, or a minimum of one process.
- Do not have a schedule.
- Can be started by Run Now commands, or by Next Actions or scripts that start tasks.
- Cannot be run by the scheduler or by file notification events.
Incomplete tasks:
- Are missing a key task element: either one source and one destination, or one process.
- Cannot be run by the scheduler or by file notification events
- Cannot be started with Run Now, or by Next Actions or scripts that start tasks. Attempts to do so will fail.