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Status Tab

The Status tab contains two windows, Active Tasks, which displays a list of currently running tasks, and Inactive Tasks, which displays a list of tasks that are not currently running. These views allow operators to quickly determine the most recent status of the various tasks that have been configured in MOVEit Automation. Also displayed on this tab is the status of the Scheduler module in the current MOVEit Automation server, as well as a refresh interval setting and buttons to pause/resume status updates and update the status view immediately. The configured refresh interval will be remembered across MOVEit Automation Admin sessions.

You can right-click the name of a task in either the Active Tasks or Inactive Tasks windows to bring up a menu with these options:

The cross control with arrows on its top and bottom is used to control how much of the screen is used to display active tasks and how much is used to display inactive tasks.

Finding "Idle" Tasks

One handy way to use the "Inactive Tasks" window is to sort on "Last Start Time" and look for any tasks that have not run recently. (These tasks will show "-" instead of a real time in this category.) By examining this list of tasks you can often get an idea of which tasks may be idle and candidates for deletion.