Web Interface - Groups - Profile

The group profile allows Admins to change the membership list of the group, as well as the name and description, and several other group-level settings. (Name changes are harmless because groups are tracked internally using a separate ID.) The following sections are currently available on this page:

Change General Information

The group name and description can be changed in the Change General Information section.

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All characters in the ISO-Latin-1 (ISO/IEC 8859-1) set are allowed in group names.

NOTE: Group names may not begin with the characters "@!", for internal reasons.

Add Or Remove Members

This section is provided to add or remove users from this group and to change their membership class. The "Select User" drop-down only lists users who are not already members of the group. If there are many users in this organization, the "Select User" drop-down may be automatically replaced with a "Find User" dialog instead. Administrators (and authorized GroupAdmins) may designate certain members of the group as GroupAdmins. Click the "Make Admin" link to promote the given member as a GroupAdmin, and click the "Make Not Admin" link to remove GroupAdmin permissions from the related user.

Users who are normal Members of a group typically enjoy all the permissions enjoyed by that group. GroupAdmins are users who have been "promoted" to assist with the management of the group (such as adding/deleting users). Limited Members are subordinate users that typically enjoy only a few of the group attributes, such as being visible in the address books of full group Members.

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If entries appear or disappear mysteriously from this list, remember that if the "External Authentication" feature has been enabled, MOVEit DMZ can automatically replicate some or all of its user group membership information from an associated LDAP server. (External Authentication synchronization actions will be logged in the audit trail, so they should become less mysterious after some research.)

Also available at the bottom of the membership section are two links which can be used to message the members of the group. The first is a link which can be used to send an insecure email to all the members of the group that have email addresses. This is simply a "mailto" link, containing a comma-delimited list of all email addresses of the group members. The second is a link to compose and send a package to the group. Use this link instead of the first link if security is a priority, and if you want to send files to the group.

Change GroupAdmin Settings

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These settings determine the authority GroupAdmins of this group will exercise over group members.

Change Member Settings

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These settings determine the privileges conferred on members of this group. The settings available here depend on the settings chosen on the 'Web Interface - Settings - Ad Hoc Transfer - Registered Users page'.

Change Display Profile

The Change Display Profile section allows an administrator to change the display profiles that will be used to create the look and feel of the web interface for GroupAdmins and regular members of this group. Display profiles can be independently set for these two user types. This allows group members to be assigned a basic profile, while GroupAdmins get a more advanced profile.

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When set to "(None)", the associated members will use the display profile configured for their user class. Otherwise, they will use the selected profile. If a user is a member of more than one group, each with their own selected display profiles, the user will use a display profile which combines the settings of the individual display profiles that would normally apply to the user.

View Folder Permissions

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This section displays folder permissions which have been explicitly assigned to this group. To add, delete or change these permissions, follow the links to the folders and use the "change permission" links on the various folders.

Address Book Information

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The address book for the group contains the list of users and groups any member of this group will be able to send packages to if Ad Hoc Transfer is enabled on the DMZ system.

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The current list of users and groups in this group's address book is shown at the top of the page. The list has three columns:

A list of users and groups who can be added to this group's address book is also shown. Selecting one or more users and/or groups from the list and then clicking the "Add Entries" button will add those users and groups to this group's address book. Select the "Allow Packages to Individual Members of Group(s)" checkbox if you want the members of this group to be able to see the members of the added group in their list of available recipients. Select the "Also Add..." checkbox if you want to add the current group to each of the selected users' and/or groups' address books. Multiple selection is possible by holding down the Control key when selecting entries.

Hint: To permit all members of a group to send packages to all other members of their group, add the group to its own address book and make sure the Allow Packages to Individual Members of Group(s) option is enabled.

Group Custom Email Notifications

If custom email notifications have been created, the groupadmin can make them available to users. For information about custom email notifications, see Web Interface _Settings - Appearance - Custom Notifications.

Change Announcement

A group announcement, if present, will appear in the Announcements section of the Home page of all members of the group. If a user is a member of multiple groups that have configured group announcements, he or she will see all associated announcements at the top of his or her page.

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Change Logo

A group logo, if present, will be placed at the top of the content section of the MOVEit DMZ web page for all members of the group. Images must be in GIF format and must be less than 100,000 bytes. If a user is a member of multiple groups that have configured group logos, he or she will see all associated logos at the top of his or her page.

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