Resiliency - Installation - Pre-Installation Steps

The following steps should be performed before installing MOVEit DMZ Resiliency:

  1. Make sure each node and the NAS have Windows networking access to each other. Normally, this means making sure that TCP port 445 is open between all machines if a firewall or router is used in between any of the MOVEit DMZ nodes or the MOVEit DMZ nodes and the NAS.
  2. Create a shared directory and a user with full access to it on the NAS.
    The MOVEit DMZ Resiliency Install recommends a username of 'moveitdmzsvc'; you may choose to create a NAS account with that name or select another. In any case, this NAS account must be granted FULL access to a shared folder. The NAS account you create or select does need not to be an administrative account. If the MOVEit DMZ nodes and the NAS are all part of the same Windows domain (not a Windows workgroup), plan to use [domain]\username in "username" fields when prompted for NAS credentials.
  3. If you will be using a domain user to access the NAS, add each and every MOVEit DMZ node to the Windows domain the NAS belongs to.
    This step is crucial if you are using domain credentials; to be completely trusted within the domain each MOVEit DMZ node must be a full-fledged member of the domain.
  4. Test time synchronization server.
    If you will be using an external time server, you should try using it in one of your nodes to make sure your nodes have access to it. You can apply a time server by opening the Date and Time option from the Control Panel, switching to the Internet Time tab, entering your time server, and clicking the Update Now button. If all MOVEit DMZ nodes will be members of a domain, this step is unnecessary.
  5. If you will be using Windows Load Balancing Services, install and configure these now
    It will be easier to diagnose Windows Load Balancing Services configuration challenges if you do this first.
  6. Get the MySQL 'root' user password and other original installation credentials. (If on existing MOVEit DMZ system.)
    If this is an upgrade of an old, existing MOVEit DMZ, you may need to check your original installation records for the following information:
  7. Assign resiliency node numbers and set up cluster network.
    In the simplest and most common configuration there will be two nodes, numbers 1 and 2. In more complex situations, there may be additional application nodes bearing node number of 3, 4, etc. The printable "Resiliency - Installation - Worksheet" usually helps with this process.

    NOTE: Network interface devices used by the resiliency cluster to talk to each other need to have Microsoft File and Printer Sharing enabled, or else the resilient nodes will not be able to properly synchronize their databases.